Prof Finlo Cottier of SAMS officially opens the conference…
…and Prof Nick Owens, SAMS Director, offers words of welcome to the assembled delegates
Delegates are greatly privileged to have the guidance of Marie-Anne Coninsx, former EU Ambassador to the Arctic and career diplomat, as SCOTMAC Honorary Chair!
Delegates also benefit from the perspective of Mr Neil Gray MSP, Minister for Culture, Europe and International Development in the Scottish Government
After a refreshment break, the SCOTMAC teaching morning continues with presentations from Dr Sian Henley of the University of Edinburgh…
…and Dr Sennan Mattar of Glasgow Caledonian University
Finally, SCOTMAC Director Dr Anthony Speca cautions delegates to remember that the Arctic is a homeland for its peoples…
…and delegates deliver their own opening statements, beginning with Canada!
After opening statements, the SDWG Working Group settles down to business…
…as does the PAME Working Group
Delegates have ample time to get to know one another during breaks — as well as at a welcome dinner that evening!
The next day, initial discussions continue in SDWG…
…as well as in PAME
After lunch, delegates come together in plenary to begin their SAO meeting, and the difficult work of drafting a consensus declaration on the issues
NORMAC Director Dr Anthony Speca offers some guidance to delegates
The view from the Secretariat desk as the delegate from AIA stands to speak…
…followed by the delegate from Finland
Negotiations soon become detailed and complex…
…and the SCOTMAC Secretariat works hard to keep up with delegate drafting and wordsmithing!
Guided reflection sessions at the end of each day help delegates to make progress and to transform their experiences into learning
On the final day, delegates gather once again to complete their SAO work
The SCOTMAC Secretariat share a light-hearted moment!
The delegate from Denmark addresses his peers in an effort to achieve consensus…
…and the delegate from the USA makes her contributions as well
All eyes on the board as delegates try to find wording to which they can all agree!
The delegate from AIA speaks…
…followed by the delegate from Russia
It looks as though delegates are beginning to reach consensus…
…to the relief of the now exhausted SCOTMAC Secretariat!
Delegates and staff of SCOTMAC 1 bonding together, and looking forward to their black-tie finale dinner!